H/S completes update for Southeastern’s Master Plan and the growing campus
Holly & Smith Architects prepared the first comprehensive master planning study of the Southeastern Louisiana University Campus in the year 2000. Within the original plan, design guidelines were developed that established the groundwork and outlined the elements by which all circulation, buildings, hardscape and landscape work would be defined for the future. As is typical with all master plans, it was only expected to be a 5 to 10 year plan. Subsequently, our studio has assisted the university to update the plan at 5 to 7 year increments.
The plan has been updated in 2007, 2013 and most recently in 2018. The purpose of each update has been to check the status of incremental growth as it relates to the previous plans and to reassess the priorities of the university. Over the years, an additional component was added to the update. This additional piece involved the development of the university’s fiber optic data infrastructure network.
Additionally, in the most recent update, several critical questions were asked: How is higher education changing? How does that impact space needs? How is technology affecting the future of higher education? The answers to these questions are ever evolving.
It is expected that the next update, which coincides with the Centennial of the University, will encompass a fully comprehensive update similar to the original scope and breadth of the first 2000 master plan.