Jeffrey Smith, AIA to serve on AIA National Knowledge Community Advisory Board
Jeffrey K. Smith, AIA was recently selected by the AIA National President, Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA to the Historic Resources Committee Advisory Board. As an AIA National Knowledge Community Advisory Board Member he will be assisting the HRC with the planning of the committees activities throughout the year. He was selected to be on the Advisory Board for the HRC due to his career long involvement, both professionally and as a community leader, with the revitalization of historic downtown Hammond, Louisiana.
The mission of the AIA Historic Resources Committee is to identify, understand, and preserve architectural heritage, both nationally and internationally. HRC is engaged in promoting the role of historic architects within the profession, the development of information and knowledge among members, allied professional organizations, and the public.
“It is an honor and privilege to serve on this national committee and I look forward to helping preserve our architectural heritage, thus preserving the record of our past cultures.” Jeffrey Smith, AIA