Pierre E. Theriot, AIA and Kevin J. Morris, AIA invest in the future with the ACEC/AIA Emerging Leadership Institute
Pierre E. Theriot, AIA and Kevin J. Morris, AIA of Holly & Smith Architects recently participated in the first session of the Emerging Leaders Institute series offered through the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Louisiana and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Louisiana. Held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this leadership and career development program is for individuals committed to developing both their professional and personal leadership abilities.
The value of this program provides participants the opportunity to build relationships with their peers in the profession, gain insight into various aspects of successful project management and sharpen communication skills. The Class of 2017 enjoyed guest speakers, team building exercises and networking opportunities. They also travelled to the State Capitol, where they were able to observe a House/Senate Committee meeting and lunch with Legislators and Legislative Staff.
This 3-part program will continue with Sessions in the late summer and fall.